Banjo Papa arrowl.png arrowr.png choochoo.gif frog2.gif raccoon.gif turtle.gif bands001003.jpg
Here you will find the music and as much of the history as I can remember (lol!)
from the first 30 or so years of my career as well as music from the present.
To learn more about my Gospel years, click here.
Below you will see a button for each Band I worked with and then one for going Solo.
Click any button to hear that bands Music and learn it's History as I remember it.
The Solo button takes us from my older music into my Gospel music and some
newer music as well. I will continue to improve the site as I locate material.
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My first attempt at
writing and recording
My first real Band
My Heart and Soul for six years
Much fun was had by all
My happiest years
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We can turn your poem
Into a song
What an Adventure