Song Book
This song book contains the words and chord changes for all of the songs
contained on Bird's first four albums. |

How Beautiful Heaven Must Be
1. How Beautiful Heaven Must Be
2. Uncloudy Day
3. Mansion Over The Hilltop
4. Whispering Hope
5. Sweet By and By
6. Just Over In The Glory Land
7. One Day At A Time
8. When We All Get To Heaven
9. In The Garden
10. I'll Fly Away
Gospel Ship
1. Gospel Ship
2. Tell Me The Story of Jesus
3. Leaning On The Everlasting Arms
4. I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go
5. Old Time Religion
6. Bound For The Promised Land
7. When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder
8. Oh How I Love Jesus
9. Showers of Blessing
10. I Feel Like Traveling On
Turn Your Radio On
1. Turn Your Radio On
2. When The Trumpet Sounds
3. Why Me Lord
4. Amazing Grace
5. Just A little Talk With Jesus
6. I'm Getting Ready
7. I Saw The Light
8. On The Wings of a Dove
9. A Beautiful Life
10. Don't You Know He Loves You
11. Sunny Side of Life
Cabin In Gloryland
1. Lord Build Me A Cabin In
The Corner of Gloryland
2. Beulah Land
3. I've Got The Old Time Religion In My Heart
4. Go Rest High On That Mountain
5. Oh Won't It Be Wonderful There
6. I Shall Not Be Moved
7. Beyond The Sunset
8. Pass Me Not O Gentle Savior
9. Peace In The Valley
10. This Is The Day
11. Count Your Blessings |
Song Book - $15
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